When I was a kid, comic book stores were magical places, like libraries where you could talk or toy stores with aisle after aisle of amazing. They were where I learned that The Incredible Hulk had been gray before he was green, and that kryptonite came in many colors. Where I was pointed toward great writers and brilliant artists, with an “If you dig that story, get a load of this one!”
Over the years I’ve been to hundreds of comic book stores. Some had a hint of that magic, but others had turned into darker, Members Only rackets dressed in snobbery and meanness toward the uninitiated.
The Comic Cave, entirely to the credit of Josh Roberts, is like those magical stores of old. I could spend hours (and have) talking to the crew at The Comic Cave about up-and-coming comics, great new reads, and fresh, talented artists.
That magic is a large part of why I’m so excited to do my first book signing there.
Yes, if you’ve ever been interested in checking out Waking The Weaver, (and if you’re reading this you’ve at least been interested) I will be at The Comic Cave on June 30th, selling personalized, signed copies and answering whatever Timberhaven questions you may have.
Also, I will have prints to sell (each piece will have story snippets attached for flavor) of certain characters drawn by renowned Kansas City artists:
Lady Nicoline by Daniel Moler
Anthony Thegan by Dusty Dean
And the debut of Tennyson (some of you are bound to recognize him) by Joseph Banhart!
So come out to The Comic Cave on June 30th to see me and buy the book. (Or bring the copy you’ve already bought and get it signed.) Buy a print of some great artwork. And while you’re at it shop around the greatest comic book shop going.
The Comic Cave
1316 E Battlefield St,
Springfield, Missouri 65804
Oh, the contest! I almost forgot. If you subscribe to this website and, by the end of August write a review of Waking The Weaver for Amazon, you’ll be entered into the “What’s My Name?” contest, where the winner gets to name a character in my next Timberhaven novel, Monsters In The Park!
I think that’s everything you need to know. If you can make it, come on over.
It’s gonna be a ball.